Why Is Healthy Aging Important?

Get ready to discover the groundbreaking scientific innovation that can help you transform the way you age from the inside out.  

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What Is Aging, Really?

The word “aging” evokes a wide range of associations. Some people perceive it as surface-level changes like wrinkles or loss of muscle tone. For others, it may signal mild memory loss or other shifts in mental health. Scientifically, all of these things are signs of aging, but its true definition runs much deeper.

According to the World Health Organization, aging is really the “accumulation of a wide variety of molecular and cellular damage over time,” which can lead to a “gradual decrease in physical and mental capacity, a growing risk of disease and ultimately death.”

The aging process starts deep inside your cells, and with NAD+ (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide).

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Video Transcript

You are made up of 37.2 trillion cells.  

They are always on,

working constantly so you can keep being you

and living a healthy, fulfilling life.  

Day in and day out,

you and your cells face stressors great and small.

Things like pollutants,

sleep disruption,

an unbalanced diet,

immune stress,

physical inactivity,

and the biggest but most invisible stressor of all—

the passage of time.  

Stressors can damage your cells,

affecting how they make energy (via the mitochondria),

how resilient they are,

and how capable they are of repair.  

Cellular function is complex,

but there’s a molecule called NAD+

(or nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide)

that’s vital to cellular health.

NAD+ is depleted by repeated exposure to stressors.

It’s also depleted naturally over time as you age.  

As NAD+ declines,

your cells are less able to withstand the effects

of the many stressors you encounter every day.  

Which means more cellular damage,

which means less NAD+,

which means—you get the idea.

This feedback loop of cellular stress and NAD+ depletion

accelerates the signs of aging over time.  

Tru Niagen was made to support your cells

in the daily battle against stressors.  

The key active ingredient in Tru Niagen

embodies over 50 years of science

and is backed by some of the world’s top scientific institutions.

It’s clinically proven to safely

and effectively boost your NAD+ levels.  

So you can fight back against stressors.

Reclaim energy for your 37.2 trillion cells.

And transform the way you age.  

Tru Niagen: The Science of Healthier Aging

The Connection Between NAD+ and Aging

NAD+ is vital to life as you know it. Without it, cells die.

NAD+ is required by the 37.2 trillion cells in your body to produce the energy they need to function properly and is also used to repair and recover from cellular damage.

As you age, your “pool” of NAD+ can be depleted in the face of everyday stressors. NAD+ declines by up to 65% between your early thirties and age 70.

NAD+ Declines by Up to 65% Between Ages 30 and 70

Aging Is Invisible—Until It Isn’t

During this timespan, you may be in good health on the surface, but as less NAD+ is available, your cells become increasingly at risk of being compromised.

When there isn’t enough NAD+ to meet the needs of your cells, the signs of aging begin to develop on a deep cellular level. And looming behind them could be more health concerns.

But this isn’t set in stone.

Transform the Way You Age

Tru Niagen® was created to help you reenergize your 37.2 trillion cells so they can maintain optimal function for longer, and so you can live a healthy life as you get older.

Niagen®, its key active supernutrient, is clinically proven to boost NAD+ levels by as much as 50% over the course of about two weeks,* and to keep them boosted with continual and consistent supplementation.

Backed by a scientific advisory board boasting two Nobel Prize winners and other luminaries across a range of medical disciplines, 300+ published scientific studies, and over 40 patents, Tru Niagen is at the forefront of scientific innovation around healthy aging. When you take it every day, you’re replenishing what’s been lost to time and ongoing metabolic stress.

*Based on 300mg/day.


2 Nobel Prize

40+ Patents

300+ Published Scientific

275+ Global Research

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Want to learn more about NAD+ and healthy aging?