How to Keep Your Muscles Healthy and Strong

Supporting your muscle health by boosting NAD+ has a positive effect on the way you age.

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NAD+ Keeps You Moving

Your muscle cells are among the most “energetically expensive” cells in your body. You might remember from high school biology that muscle cells use ATP (adenosine triphosphate) for energy.

What they didn’t teach you in school is that this vital energy molecule can’t be created without NAD+. Without NAD+, there’s no ATP, and without that, your dance party comes to a grinding halt.

The Link Between Muscle Health and Aging Well

Physical activity, NAD+, and healthy aging all go hand in hand. The phrase “use it or lose it” is quite appropriate here.

A clinical study has shown that the effects of a sedentary lifestyle over time lead to lower NAD+ levels, which in turn can lead to more signs of aging. Exercising regularly (while maintaining other healthy lifestyle habits, of course) helps you to boost NAD+ levels, which leads to a slower NAD+ decline and fewer signs of aging.

For the ultimate flex, seek to exercise and supplement with Tru Niagen® for additional NAD+ support, as you can only go so far with exercise alone. This approach helps you to stay active as you get older and reduce the physical hallmarks of aging.

The Link Between Muscle Health and Aging Well

Chase Lifelong Movement and Mobility, Not Summer Abs

Supporting and maintaining muscle health isn’t about looking good in a bathing suit (though that’s certainly a beneficial side effect). It’s about continually and comprehensively using your muscles in different ways to support graceful movement and strength as you age.

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ National Institute on Aging outlines four types of exercise—endurance, strength, balance, and flexibility. All have different benefits, and together they help to reduce exercise boredom and risk of injury.

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"I believe NAD is crucial for muscle and mitochondria, and that everybody could benefit from boosting NAD. Supporting mitochondria is important for the average person or the everyday athlete to maintain function and stay active."


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