Healthy Cells for a Healthy Lifestyle

At the root, healthy (or unhealthy) aging starts within your cells. The value of NAD+ and its increasing importance as you age comes down to cellular health. Which is exactly what Tru Niagen® is designed to support.

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Why Is Cellular Health Important?

Your body is made up of 37.2 trillion cells, and each of them plays a role in maintaining optimal health. From your gut to your brain to your heart to your fingertips and across all points in between, different types of cells serve different physiological functions. But all cells need to create energy and carry out the processes of repair to do their jobs. These functions are carried out within organelles called mitochondria.

Where True Energy Is Generated

Mitochondrial dysfunction is one of the hallmarks of aging. The mitochondria are responsible for generating about 90% of the energy your body uses. We like to call them the “energy engines” of your cells. The energy they produce fuels all of our vital functions. They do this by converting the nutrients we get from food into adenosine triphosphate (ATP) via a series of complex processes. The process of energy generation by the mitochondria requires NAD+ in constant supply.

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NAD+ for Cellular Repair and Regeneration

NAD+ also plays an essential role in the processes of cellular repair and regeneration. NAD+ molecules activate sirtuins, a family of seven proteins that help to regulate cellular homeostasis, and drive the process of repair. Sirtuins cannot function absent the presence of NAD+. Enzymes called PARPs (which stands for poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase) are also dependent on NAD+ to help repair cellular DNA damage due to oxidative stress.

NAD+ Is Critical for Cellular Health

Unfortunately, NAD+ is depleted over time as you age. It’s also depleted by a range of physiological stressors, and can also fluctuate if you’re under immune stress. It’s also worth noting that as we age, we produce less mitochondria to fuel our cells—which means the ones we have need to work harder. All of this equates to what we experience as the aging process.

But mitochondrial health can be influenced by lifestyle habits, and also by using supplementation to boost your NAD+ levels. That’s where Tru Niagen comes in.

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"I believe NAD+ is crucial for muscle and mitochondria, and that everybody could benefit from boosting NAD+. Supporting mitochondria is important for the average person or the everyday athlete to maintain function and stay active."

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