Life Is the Most Precious Gift

The true start of motherhood is the egg cell. Tru Niagen is a science-backed tool you can add to your arsenal to maintain egg health if you’re looking to start a family as you age.

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Support the Health of Your Most Important Cells 

Research shows that the quality of a woman’s egg cells decreases with age, especially after age 30.  

Egg cells require significant energy to thrive. Cellular energy is made in the mitochondria, so egg cell health truly depends on mitochondrial health.  

Women over 30 can support reproductive health by eating a healthy diet, minimizing stress, taking a prenatal supplement, and taking Tru Niagen for mitochondrial support.

Dr. Aimee Eyvazzadeh (the “Egg Whisperer”) on Tru Niagen Play button


Physicians specializing in women’s reproductive health weigh in on the benefits of nicotinamide riboside (NR), the key ingredient in Tru Niagen, on the health of your cells.

Tru Niagen 300mg

Support egg and ovarian health with the benefits of increased NAD+ and let our science help shape your future!

Our most popular offering, Tru Niagen 300mg boosts NAD+ levels by up to 50% to offset the age-related NAD+ decline that can negatively affect the way women age.

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Lifestyle modifications to consider when you’re planning to start a family include the proper type(s) of exercise, avoiding alcohol, smoking, recreational drugs, managing stress, and getting quality sleep. Always speak to your primary care doctor or OBGYN regarding plans to conceive.  

We encourage you to take prenatal vitamins and at least 300mg of Tru Niagen daily to support NAD+ levels. It’s always a good idea to check with your healthcare provider before adding new supplements to your routine.

Niagen, the active ingredient in Tru Niagen, has been accepted by the FDA as Generally Recognized as Safe (GRAS) and as a New Dietary Ingredient. While we suggest taking Tru Niagen to support your health as you begin to grow your family, please check with your doctor prior to starting a new supplement when planning to become pregnant.    

While there are no known indications that taking Tru Niagen while breastfeeding poses any risks, please check with your doctor before starting a new supplement. 

Dive deeper into the science behind Tru Niagen, aging, and women's reproductive health.